Nubian Museum

The new Nubian Museum lies southeast on a rocky slope overlooking part of ancient
need to build a special museum house the Nubia was realized years before the High Darn in 1971. Excavations schemers around the  yielded such an abundance of diverse objects that no museum could allocate the space needed to house them.

The government consequently set the project in motion to build a museum, and called upon Unseco to contribute it is scheduled to open in l The museum presents the   times until its inundation by Lake Nasser, The hulk of the iee are from storerooms, where they have been safely  since their discovery.

Nubian Museum

Nubian Museum

These include some two thousand  Pharaohs, Greek, Roman, Coptic, and islamic objects that were salvaged from Nubia.

In addition, Nubian objects on display in other museums (Elephantine Museum, the Cairo museum of Pharaonic Antiquities, and the Islamic Museum) have been transported there.

The objects transported from Elephantine Museum include a large number of predynastic objects excavated between 1907 and 1912: pottery, slate palettes, andjewelry, as well as objects from the New Kingdom: a board game made of faience, an alabaster vase featuring a goose, and numerous scarabs, beads, and amulets.

Nubian Museum

Nubian Museum

Among the New Kingdom exhibits are some noteworthy stelae.

One is made of sandstone and was erected by an official called Pia.

It was found in the temple of Amenhotep III at al Sebua and shows a man clad in along, two-layered garment.

He raises his arms in adoration to Amun-Re, who is seated in front of a table of offerings.

Another stela, also of sandstone, belongs  to an official named Piay.

It has two registers.

The upper is incised with a ram wearing a composite crown and recumbent on a pedestal.

The lower register shows a kneeling man raising his arms in adoration.
Selected as a focal point of the central hall of the museum is an eight-meter-high Nubian sandstone statue of Ramses II that   has been in storage for twenty-seven years.

Its unusual proportions indicate that it was not fashioned by court sculptors, but guided by folk tradition in Nubia.

Nubian Museum

Nubian Museum

The museum compound has been planned as a cultural and civil center, with a view to preserving Nubian culture and heritage, and facilities for scholars will include halls for anthropological and ethnological studies as well as a reference library The architecture of the museum has been inspired both by the square or rectangular lines of ancient Egyptian architecture in temples, fortresses, and domestic architecture in the region, and by Nubian architectural traditions: low buildings and diffused light.

It is on two floors and there is a low mezzanine to enhance the interior.

The main entrance hall is planned to enable a free flow of large numbers of visitors, especially groups from the floating hotels.